Small Cute Brilliant Rose Color Pointer --> Small Cute Blue Gray Pointer

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I h8 cold weather D:

Hi again!
Sorry that I haven't been updating the blog at all other than my first review. I'm finishing my last semester at school and am spending all my time trying to learn CG motion graphics before I graduate so i'm busy busy!
I promise to write soon. For now, here's a picture of my new haircut! I luv super short bangs n.n I also stopped wearing anything on my skin on most days (just a bit of concealer on my chin and Neutrogena sunscreen, which has quickly whitened my skin another shade. I'd love to try the ones by Hada Labo or Shiseido) and have mostly been wearing minimal amounts of makeup on my eyes (loving this Tony Moly lip tint and the little Lancome eyeshadow quad I found on ebay, with shimmery white, pink, purple and black shadows. I'll be doing an eyeshadow review at some point).

And here's how I'm dealing with this awful cold, dry weather (and being stuck in front of a computer 90% of the day). Plus do you like my new fluffy white comforter? :P
Lots of water (remember to ALWAYS drink a lot of water, to flush out toxins, improve your immune system, prevent dry skin/hair, and manage weight). I found this Bobble filtered water bottle for only $3 at TJ Max. These bottles are a great deal, even at regular price, I highly recommend buying one! You only need to change the filter once every couple months and those are $7.
Tsubaki oil from camellia flowers is a traditional Japanese hair and skin care product. I also use coconut oil as a hair mask a couple times a week lately.
I use sheet masks whenever my skin starts to break out of become dry or dull.  This is the My Beauty Diary Black Pearl mask but I've found that the Aloe Vera ones work the best, especially for calming skin.  Also honey with a little olive oil, worn as a mask for a couple minutes, is supposed to calm, sooth and soften skin. I tried it a few days ago and I can't tell if it helped much? Will try again in the future and do a post about skincare.

i try my best to always use hand sanitizer, especially since i live on campus and am constantly in closed rooms with sick people. I use aloe vera and vaseline for when my lips get cracked, and whenever I start to feel like I'm getting sick I take some Echinacea & Goldseal pills with ElderBerry syrup and feel fine the next morning. I haven't been sick once this past year!

plus lots of love from my baby to keep me warm and healthy :^*******

And as always, I take my vitamins (C, B complex, Iron, fish oil, multi, etc) and make sure to get exercise every day! 
Next I'll be reviewing hair care, so check back


i just tried the hada labo lotion para your recommendation. At first my skin felt a bit sticky but now it feels great and refreshed! Im looking forward to reading more on your blog <3

Yaay glad to hear it! (that you like the blog and Hada Labo products lol) I will be updating this week. :)